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Creating your personal wedding ceremony

Let’s be honest, choosing to spend the rest of your life with someone is a big deal. Dr Kelly Flanagan said “Marriage is the realisation that living two perfect stories separately isn’t nearly as beautiful as living one messy story together.” Marriage is messy, but it’s the really good kind of messy!

As a single person, you did have the perfect story. You only had to think about yourself, you had your own money and could do whatever you liked, whenever you liked. The downside was there was no one to come home to, cook dinner for, share your problems with, or seek cuddles from. Personally, my single story was sparkling clean but I would have traded it in an instant for messy, and when my path crossed my husband’s, I gladly made that trade!

Life in a committed relationship, whether you’re married or not, is messy. It’s messy because you are two people, with different views and ways of doing things, and different ways of communicating and processing. You feel different things at different times and have varying energy levels and tolerances.

But, the mess is counteracted by the love and support your provide each other. By the ability for one to lift the other up when they need it. By one saying the words the other needs to hear. By one holding the other when they cry. By one making the other laugh when they want to cry. By one pouring the other a glass of wine when the other needs it!

After all the curve balls life has thrown my husband and I throughout our marriage, I can truly attest to the value of having a messy story. That messy story has been my air, breath, love and light on more than one occasion. So your wedding ceremony should include your journey because your future wouldn't exist without your past.

Together, we'll create a ceremony that explains your story, in all of it's glorious messiness because that's where the true perfection lies!


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